I’m not ready for her to go. Does she have to go? My consistently favorite book has been MIGHTY THOR by a most WORTHY creative team reaches a powerful moment. Without a doubt our new comic book pick of the week and may be year….

MIGHTY THOR #705 “The Death of the Mighty Thor” finale with an epic showdown that could mean Jane Foster’s ultimate sacrifice to save Asgardia and all the realms. The final chapter of Jane’s powerful role as God of Thunder under majestic creative team Jason Aaron and Russell Dauterman.
CAVE CARSON HAS AN INTERSTELLAR EYE #1 After “Milk Wars” and multiverse hopping, Cave Carson digs his way into a bizarre new adventure. Jonathan Rivera and Michael Avon Oeming take the DC Young Animal breakout into a black hole and introduce a new interstellar rock god into Cave’s orbit.
CABLE #155 A story of future past starring the cybernetic mutant from the distant future. Go back to a untold tale of Cable leading the New Mutants a secret that Nathan still hiding since that fateful moment. Plus, Cable is reunited with his foster daughter Hope Summers. New creative team Zac Thompson and German Peralta reload Cable by taking us back to his early days.
INCREDIBLE HULK #714 “World War Hulk II” begins! Amadeus Cho is back from Planet Hulk but has he lost control of the monster inside? Greg Pak and Carlo Barberi count down to major changes for all the Hulk family.
SUPER SONS #14 Mommy Deadliest returns! Will Talia al Ghul forces Damian to make the ultimate choice – Jon Kent may be a casualty of war between Mother and Grandson of the Demon.
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