Captain America vs. Nuke!
Art by Carlos Pacheco!
Marvel announced the fan-favorite artist from Spain will join Rick Remender on the upcoming arc starring the Star-Spangled Avenger.
Now Marvel shares a look at Pacheco’s art from Captain America #11 and the artist’s take on Steve Rogers and his upcoming nemesis:
“I’m not so sure if who Cap is to me is who Cap is to [everyone else]. One of the things that makes me consider Captain America as different from the other [heroes] was the fact he was a man out of his time and he was discovering a totally different America after being found by the Avengers. The values he learned to love and respect were being questioned, but at the same time he had to keep his loyalty to the American citizens. The political issues in his book were what made it go beyond the obvious “super hero with a flag costume.”

Cap should be the Hamlet Soldier, a man full of doubts about what is right and what is wrong. If you want a soldier with everything clear [to him], okay, you have Nuke. Cap is the perfect soldier because he will never obey an order just because it came from a superior officer, he will question it. Remember [in “The Secret Empire”], maybe his biggest enemy was a “Very High White House Officer.”
You may remember Pacheco joined Mark Millar on the Ultimate Comics Ultimates and his ultimate version of the Red Skull was terrifying.
Captain America #11 arrives September 4th.
Here’s one more look inside:

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