A dangerous “date night” for superheroes with a surprise ending.
Peter J. Tomasi (Batman and Robin) and artist Doug Mahnke took over Superman/Wonder Woman this week.
A romantic night out for Clark and Diana is interrupted when sparks fly – an unnatural storm sparks.
It’s a battle between Superman and Wonder Woman vs. Atomic Skull and Major Disaster. The bad guys have the Man of Steel and Amazon Warrior captured when…
Spoiler Alert:
If you have not read Superman/Wonder Woman #13 stop reading now.
Here it comes.
A mysterious super being arrives on the scene to save the super couple.

This is Wonder Star.
Who is he? What’s his power?
We could not find a Wonder Star in pre-New 52 continuity so this could be a brand new character.
With Convergence coming in 2015 – could this new hero be from an alternate timeline. We can’t help but suspect – is this a future son of Clark and Diana?
What do you think?
By Editor