Marvel revealed new teasers for the upcoming Avengers Versus X-Men. Humberto Ramos created this match-up over Paris. Looks like AVX may re-ignite an old rivalry!
Rogue bested Ms. Marvel back in the day under Mystique’s orders. Rogue permanently absorbed Carol’s powers and personality. Wolverine wanted to gut Rogue the first time she wanted to join the X-Men. Professor X eventually helped Carol through her comatose to Binary and back to Ms. Marvel days.
I admit I’m rooting for Rogue and she may have the power advantage but Ms. Marvel may have learned her lesson and is ready and may have secretly been yearning for a rematch.
I hope ms. marvel beats rogue into a pulp, she derserves everything she gets.
Ouch! Thanks for the comment. I love both characters but they have a long rivalry of bad blood. I appreciate you checking out the site. What other AvX fights are most excited to see?