Deadpool: The Gauntlet #4 courtesy Marvel
Deadpool: The Gauntlet #4 courtesy Marvel

Producers find a leading lady for Ryan Reynolds as Merc With a Mouth.

Morena Baccarin is joining the cast of Fox’s Deadpool according to The Hollywood Reporter. The actress best know for her roles on Firefly and Homeland is currently guest starring on Gotham.

Reynolds plays an assassin with terminal cancer who gains powers after an experimental operation. Gina Carano and T.J. Miller reportedly joined the cast. Tim Miller is directing. X-Men veterans Laura Schuler-Donner and Simon Kinberg are producing.

There’s no official word on the character Baccarin will play.

In the comics Deadpool married Shiklah, Queen of the Undead last year in a deal with Dracula.

The X-Men spinoff is scheduled for February, 2016.

By Editor