More X-MEN Fallout for SCARLET WITCH

Scarlet Witch in House of M courtesy Marvel
Scarlet Witch in House of M courtesy Marvel

The X-Men are currently caught up in AXIS, feeling the impact of the Death of Wolverine and The Last Will and Testament of Charles Xavier with The Black Vortex and Secret Wars on the horizon in 2015.

The mutants are under the leadership of Editor Mike Marts who ran the X-Office under two influential events of the past: M-Day and Decimation (when Scarlet Witch declared No More Mutants) wiping out the mutant gene and sending the race to the edge of extinction.

Wanda’s been on a path of redemption in Avengers: The Children’s Crusade, AvX and Uncanny Avengers but are the X-Men really ready to let it pass?

A clever reader noted several current X-writers worked under Marts during the post House of M era and asked Marts if there are plans for more mutants to confront Wanda.

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

“We’ve certainly seen some individual X-character reactions to Wanda’s return — notably Rogue in the pages of “Uncanny Avengers,” and more recently in the pages of Peter David’s “All-New X-Factor” (some great cannot-miss interaction between Wanda, Polaris and Danger in that issue, for those that might have missed it!). At this point, though, the general feeling is that Wanda’s actions in “AvX” — reinvigorating the mutant race — may have helped to curb the X-Men’s harsh feelings towards her following the events of M-Day. That being said, there are certainly more stories to be told, more reactions to be seen. And we certainly haven’t heard the final word about M-Day and “House of M.”” Marts responded on Comic Book Resources X-Position.

Scarlet Witch and Rogue will be a member of the post AXIS lineup of Uncanny Avengers along with her brother Quicksilver. Rick Remender will continue writing the series. There was a No More Mutants teaser (see above) to promote the next volume but other teasers hinting that this team will visit a Counter Earth in the first arc.

What do you think? Has Wanda redeemed herself for M-Day?

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