Marvel announced a new Moon Knight series by Warren Ellis and Declan Shalvey and shared the cover to number one via Facebook.
Marc Spector is a mercenary brought by to life by an Egyptian God became a billionaire by day, crime fighting vigilante by night.
Moon Knight has been given more shots at a solo series than almost any character I can think of and often compared to Batman.
“The man is demented in more interesting ways than I think Batman ever was…his cape is actually a crescent moon and he goes out only at night and dresses in reflective white so you can see him coming. Now that’s nuts…I like that.” Ellis tells Hero Complex.
After the previous series took Spector to Los Angeles, the new creative team takes him back to New York City to fight “weird crime.”
“The best Moon Knight stories for me were always ground-level but weird crime,” he said. “‘Weird crime’ has kind of been the touchstone for me for this revival.”
The avenging enforcer of Khonshu hits the streets again in 2014.
The character was created by Doug Moench and Don Perlin in Werewolf By Night #32 in 1975. There have been at least 6 volumes of a series starring Moon Knight – I recommend the 2006 volume by Charlie Huston and David Finch.
For the entire interview here’s the Hero Complex link.
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