America #1 courtesy Marvel
America #1 courtesy Marvel

Miss America Chavez soars in her own ongoing comic book series in 2017 by Gabby Rivera and Joe Quinones.

America #1 launches a new chapter for the breakthrough Latina GLBT hero. Raised by her two mothers in a dimension out of time and space, America is super strong, flies and can travel between dimensions by kicking open holes in reality.

Marvel announced new details and covers for the former Young Avenger and Ultimates alum. Will America’s new solo adventures lead to reunions with teammates past and present?

When asked if Kate Bishop will cross paths with Chavez, Rivera told Marvel “anything is possible.” Chavez and Bishop became friends during Young Avengers. Bishop will headline her own Hawkeye series next year.

Chavez will be changing their minds about super heroes following the events of Civil War II like the rest of the next generation of Marvel heroes. Chavez will be going to college and Rivera said to watch for a cameo from Storm of the X-Men.

Miss America was born in the Vengeance limited series then Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie recruited her for their Young Avengers run. She’s been kicking butt with the Ultimates.

What will the Civil War II finale mean to America’s friendship with team captain Captain Marvel?

America #1 arrives March 2017.

By Editor