Why am I excited for FF#1?
Matt Fraction Words. Mike Allred Art. Medusa. Ant-Man.
Fraction send Marvel’s First Family into space in Fantastic Four #1 with Mark Bagley. Fraction isn’t leaving the Earth defenseless. She-Hulk, She-Thing, Ant-Man and Medusa form the new FF in FF#1.
I love the Inhumans. Black Bolt and Medusa are one of Marvel’s most beautiful and tragic couples. Seeing how Medusa’s story in FF play out is just one of the tempting reasons to check out the book.

I love the story of Scott Lang too. This Ant-Man was destroyed by the Scarlet Witch in Avengers Disassembled then brought back to life to see his daughter killed in Avengers: The Children’s Crusade. Fraction previously teased how Lang will carry out a plan of revenge against Doctor Doom for Cassie’s demise.
Don’t get me wrong – I’m a She-Hulk fan and I’m curious about She-Thing but my heart belongs to Medusa.

Thanks to Marvel.com for these new images by the Astonishing Allred!
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