Mike Allred joins Matt Fraction on the Marvel NOW! FF title out this November but you can see the fan favorite artist on another Marvel icon. The Madman creator brings his signature style to Daredevil #17 out this week.
“Daredevil is my favorite current title. I’ve always been a huge fan of Mark’s, and he knows that. I don’t think he’s ever been given his due. He’s always been acclaimed, but never to the degree I think he’s deserved. It’s thrilling to be a part of this with these artists. As an outside observer, I felt like I had to let somebody know how special I thought this title was. To be able to join in even some small way is incredibly thrilling,” Allred tells Marvel.com.
Writer Mark Waid has thrown some old school and non-traditional enemies at Matt Murdock. Waid is bringing back a classic for Allred to draw.
“The villain for Mike’s issue is Stilt-Man. Of course it’s Stilt-Man! He’s the perfect villain for a Mike Allred story. On the surface of it, a goofy costume and goofy powers. On the other hand, if you were at the bottom of the Hudson River pinned down by one of those legs, he doesn’t seem so goofy,” said Waid.
For the entire liveblog plus more preview art here’s the Marvel.com link.
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