Midnighter #11 courtesy DC Comics
Midnighter #11 courtesy DC Comics

Is a storm brewing in the DC Universe?

As revealed in the April 2016 previews, Apollo will reunite with his former husband in Midnighter #11

The former partners are hunting Henry Bendix before he creates a new monster and the super couple is caught in a war between Suicide Squad and Spyral.

The two men were once operatives of Stormwatch then The Authority by Warren Ellis.

Midnighter. Apollo. Bendix. Is there a new Stormwatch on the horizon.

In Jim Lee’s Wildstorm Universe (before he sold it to DC Comics) Stormwatch was a United Nations task force. Bendix was Weatherman, a genius with cybernetic implants he used to monitor the world and his teams in action from a satellite orbiting Earth.

Midnighter and Apollo were created by Warren Ellis and Bryan Hitch when they took over and Stormwatch went rogue. The couple went on to join The Authority, Ellis’s evolution of the team with former operatives.

In DC’s New 52 continuity Stormwatch is a covert group of heroes who have protected the planet since the Dark Ages answering to the Shadow Cabinet. Authority veterans Midnighter, Apollo, Jenny Quantum, The Engineer were joined by Martian Manhunter and three new characters. The new team’s book last thirty issues but they appeared in the Futures End series.

With Dick Grayson’s role in Spyral and the DC Universe changing and Midnighter’s new operation (see below) could writer Steve Orlando be orchestrating a new version of Stormwatch, the team that first gave us mainstream comics first gay super couple?


If you didn’t read Midnighter #8 stop reading now.

Here it comes:

Midnight’s mission to recover an arsenal of weapons

In the finale of Midnigher’s first arc, he was recruited by Helena Bertinelli to join Spyral, who stole the Perdition Pistol.

He declared, “I won’t work for you. I will work with you.”

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