MIDNIGHTER, SNAKE PLISSKEN, THUNDERCATS In Our New Comics Picks for October 5, 2016

Midnighter & Apollo #1 courtesy DC Comics
Midnighter & Apollo #1 courtesy DC Comics

Crazy crossovers, reunions and new number ones from comics legends. It’s a huge week for comic book fans.

Here’s part of our expanded picks of the week:

Midnighter and Apollo #1

Together again. The former lovers and Stormwatch teammates are reunited chasing demons and pirates in this new adventure from Steve Orlando and Fernando Blanco.

Hawkman and Adam Strange: Out of Time #1

Two iconic heroes from rival alien worlds unite against a powerhouse enemy. Can the legends of Rann and Thanagar keep an alliance to save their worlds from Despero? Marc Andreyko and Aaron Lopresti.

Big Trouble Little China Escape New York #1

Jack Burton meets Snake Plissken (both as played by Kurt Russell) in this crossover based on two cult classic sci-fi flicks. With legendary director John Carpenter’s blessing, Greg Pak and Daniel Bayliss conjure a crossover where Burton lands in the dark future world of Escape From New York and becomes the Plissken’s prey.

Archie Meets the Ramones #1

The Archies are trapped back in time. Can the Ramones help them realize their rock and roll potential and get back home? Riverdale’s teen dreams meet the legendary punk band in this one-shot from Alex Segura and Gisele Lagace.

He-Man Thundercats #1

The Masters of the Universe meets the Thundercats in a cosmic crossover based on two beloved cartoon classics. The Thundercats’ greatest enemy goes after He-Man’s Sword of Power in this limited series by Rob David and Freddie Williams II.

Shipwreck #1

The survivor of a secret wreck awakens on a mysterious road in pursuit of a man who may give him salvation in this new Aftershock Comic from legendary writer Warren Ellis and artist Phil Hester.

Moonshine #1

Big city crime boss vs. country boy moonshine king. Set during the Prohibition era, this tale of the mob and moonshiners has a dark supernatural twist thanks to creative team Brian Azzrello and Eduardo Risso.

But where are the Marvel picks you may ask….with Marvel Now launching here are our picks for the Marvel Now this week with new number ones starring Jessica Jones and more plus Death of X reveals the fate of Cyclops.

By Editor