Michael Rooker (The Walking Dead) has joined the cast of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy according to Deadline. Rooker is playing Yondu. This raises a lot of questions.
The blue skinned alien archer was one of the founding members of the original Guardians who appeared in the classic Avengers comics of the 1970’s and for a while they team has their own series.
The Guardians concept was rebooted in the 21st century comics to star Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Groot and Rocket Raccoon. This cast of characters will be featured in the upcoming film and appear in the just launched comic book series by Brian Michael Bendis.
Will Yondu be part of a flashback or appear with the “next generation” of Guardians? Does this mean the film could feature other founding members like Starhawk, Charlie 27, Martinex and the flamed haired Nikki?
Rooker joins Chris Pratt (Star-Lord) Zoe Saldana (Gamora) and Dave Bautista (Drax.)
The James Gunn directed film is scheduled for an August, 2014 release.
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