The first mid-credits extra scene in Marvel’s The Avengers revealed the evil mastermind behind Loki and his alien army. To non comic book readers it was ‘who’s that?” but to comic fans it was a moment of “oh —-!” (Fill in your own expletive of your choice there!)
Before I go on with this post – just in case you were off planet and haven’t seen The Avengers I should put up a…
The mad Titan THANOS was the big bad behind the scenes. The purple alien’s weapon the Infinity Gauntlet was scene in Odin’s vault in Thor. Marvel is prepping a Guardians of the Galaxy movie so it’s logically to assume the next phase of Marvel sequels is laying the groundwork for an Avengers/Thanos showdown. Marvel movie mastermind Kevin Feige tells MTV News there’s a reason Thanos turned to show his evil grin at the end of The Avengers.

“Clearly, there’s a purpose to us putting him in the end of that movie. We do have plans for him,” said Feige. “I wouldn’t say we ever feel the need to rush anything one way or the other. We succeeded in Phase One because we stuck to our guns and stuck to the plan. That plan took place over many, many years and it ultimately paid off. I see Phase Two unfolding in the same way of us taking our time, us doing what’s right for each individual movie, while folding in elements that will not only build up to the culmination of Phase Two, but even Phase Three.”
Thanos made his comeback in the pages of Avengers Assemble and is fascinating non-comic book readers making him a perfect enemy for a future movie.
“Suddenly, you have a million people who had never heard of an Infinity Gauntlet or a Mad Titan learning those terms,” says Feige. “I love that. I love when the experience goes beyond the movie theater and encourages people to look deeper into our universe.”

Can you imagine Jim Starlin’s epic The Infinity Gauntlet (when Thanos wipes out half the universe as an act of love for Death) on the big screen!?
Of course that might mean the big screen debut of Adam Warlock, Captain Marvel and maybe (if the Fantastic Four movie rights go back to Marvel) a scene with Reed Richards and Tony Stark brainstorming some ingenious way to beat him and maybe the Silver Surfer!
Feige also said the role would likely be recast. My first impulse is Vin Diesel but I would also cast the Fast & Furious star as Drax in Guardians of the Galaxy.
Marvel’s The Avengers is out on blu-ray and dvd September 25th.
By Editor