Marvel’s Next Big Thing at C2E2 unleashed lots of news from all corners of their universe!
Thor (Chris Hemsworth) faces Malekith (Christopher Eccleston) and the Dark Elves on the big screen in Thor: The Dark World this November. Jason Aaron and Ron Garney brings Malekith back to the comics in Thor: God of Thunder #13 in a new arc: The Accursed.
Iron Man #9 (out this Wednesday) begins The Secret Origin of Tony Stark. Writer Kieron Gillen says “this is by far the biggest thing I’ve done in the Marvel Universe.” This big period piece story will introduce the Stark Seven.
In Rick Remender’s Captain America will see the resolution of the Cap vs Arnim Zola in Dimension Z arc, some characters come back to the book we haven’t seen in a while and “a big, emotional tear-jerker climax.”

Fearless Defenders will see a new costume for Valkyrie in issue 8 designed by Mark Brooks and double shipping in July.
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #24 will introduce Ultimate Cloak & Dagger!
Reed Richards will appear in Ultimate Comics Ultimates by Joshuah Fialkov. The writer says “I am in love with Ultimate Reed Richards as a character. He’s so fun to write.”
For the entire liveblog here’s the link.
What announcement has been your favorite so far?
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