Set in the aftermath of the Battle of New York in The Avengers, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is fun ride for the hard-core comic book reader, fan of the cinema series and you just want a thrill and humor filled escape into the unknown.
An ordinary man (J. August Richards) with super powers saves a life and becomes a target of an annoying computer expert and the super spy agency from Iron Man, Thor and The Avengers movies.
An elite team of experts are recruited by Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders in the first of hopefully many cameos) and the resurrected Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg.)Ward is the tough man of action who doesn’t play well with others. Fitz and Simmons are the witty science nerds who immediately charm us. Melinda May is the field operative with a past lured back to be the pilot of the unit’s flying headquarters.
The mystery of “unregistered gifted” leads to a conspiracy tied to story elements from Iron Man 3 sure to make Stark fans giddy and sets the stage for this scary new world. The biggest tease is what really happened to Coulson that Hill and a S.H.I.E.L.D. doctor (Ron Glass of Firefly) are hiding from the veteran agent.

The pilot packs everything you love and expect from Joss Whedon and his super team but still feels exciting and fresh: action, humor, chemistry and characters you’ll cheer for as they navigate the exciting world from The Avengers universe.
By Editor