Marvel is teasing more new creative teams: Rick Remender and John Romita Jr on The Winter Soldier, Matt Fraction and Mark Bagley on Fantastic Four, Simon Spurrier and Tan Eng Huat on X-Men Legacy? The Marvel NOW! universe of 20 relaunched titles is shaping up.
MTV Geek revealed Spurrier, Huat, Legacy. Does this mean X-Men Legacy will relaunch? Spurrier wrote a great mini starring the hilarious X-Club. My thought is that since All New X-Men by Bendis will feature the original teen mutants as the flagship X-book, this relaunched Legacy will focus on the current X-Men that surive AvX.

IFanboy revealed Remender, Romita, SOLDIER tease but does this mean the duo is taking over Captain America or The Winter Soldier book? Remender is writing the Marvel NOW! kickoff book Uncanny Avengers featuring Cap but given his track record (Uncanny X-Force, Secret Avengers, Venom) I’d love to see how he writes Bucky.

Matt Fraction (Thor, Invincible Iron Man, Defenders) is succeeding Jonathan Hickman as writer of Fantastic Four. USA Today revealed the teaser Hickman, Bagley, Family and the teaser Fraction, Allred, Extended. Could this mean the FF (Future Foundation) book will continue with Mike Allred (Madman)on art. Fraction’s new Hawkeye book with David Aja debuted this week.

Let’s recap the other teasers of the week:
Kieron Gillen and Greg Land, Invincible=Iron Man
Jason Aaron and Esad Ribic, Worthy=Thor
Mark Waid and Leinil Francis Yu, Indestructible=Hulk
Brian Poesin, Gerry Duggan, Tony Moore, Chichimangas=Deadpool
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