Unleash the Teasers!
After the Trial and Judgment teasers hinting at a X-Men/Guardian of the Galaxy crossover, Marvel lets loose three more with the promise that all will be revealed at New York Comic Con in about 2 weeks.
But that won’t stop the speculation so let’s begin!
Corporate is the first clue about Peter David’s new project since The End of X-Factor. Carmine Di Giandomenico will be the artist on the book. We know it will involve mutants and the big hint was at the end of the Polaris issue of The End of X-Factor.
Rad! is Dan Slott (Superior Spider-Man) and Michael Allred (I LOVE the idea of these two working together on….a Spidey spinoff but with the silver could it this be heralding a Silver Surfer series?) Axel Alonso has said Norrin Radd would be a character to watch in the All-New Marvel Now next wave.

Mindbubble by Rick Remender, Pascal Alixe and Nic Klein. This is the real head-scratcher.

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