Before The Force Awakens, an Empire fell and the Rebel Alliance won a galaxy changing victory…but what happened next?
Marvel revealed the creative team who will give us a first look at the next chapter of the Star Wars legend.
They recruited a comics legend to chronicle it.
Star Wars: Journey to The Force Awakens: Shattered Empire will be told by writer Greg Rucka (Cyclops, Punisher, Lazarus, Gotham Central) and artist Marco Checchetto.
Marvel is working closely with Lucasfilm on this prologue revealing what happened between the last and upcoming chapters of the saga.
“The world has been wondering what happened after the fall of the Empire since the credits first rolled on ‘Return of the Jedi’ in 1983,” said series editor Jordan D. White. “Now, on the dawn of the next chapter of the saga, we’re incredibly proud to be involved in revealing the events that happen immediately following the end of ‘Return of the Jedi’!”
Star Wars: Journey to The Force Awakens: Shattered Empire arrives in September.
By Editor