Brian Wood.
Kris Anka.
The Marvel one word teaser machine cranked up again with this ominous one word in fiery colors signaling something new in the All-New Marvel Now coming in February 2014.
Most of the teasers have turned out to be brand new series or reboots of series. One notable exception Timebubble meaning a new Captain America arc by the same writer.
The first thought goes to the resurrection of the one true Jean Grey. The original Jean Grey of All-New X-Men is part of the Marvel Now success story. The adult Jean Grey from the future (who actually leading the Brotherhood of Mutants and forced to wear a Xorn mask) was a huge factor of the just wrapped Battle of the Atom event. The adult Jean’s condemnation of both Scott and Logan and their schism was an incredible X-moment.

My guess is this will be a new arc for the all-female X-Men book by Wood with Anka (Uncanny X-Force) on board as the new artist. Rachel Grey is part of that team and she played a significant role in the Battle of the Atom chapters by Wood so this arc could focus on the daughter of Scott and Jean from the future foretold in the classic Days of Future Past storyline. The tension between Rachel and Storm over the events of the first arc is a great story element for Wood to build upon.
With X-Men: Days of Future Past coming in May – I can see Marvel preparing a major storyline to connect with the movie.
It’s important to note that the Trial and Judgment teasers turned out to be a crossover between All-New X-Men and Guardians of the Galaxy by Brian Michael Bendis. Resurrection could be a tie-in to The Trial of Jean Grey. Given the cosmic implications of the crossover we could see a return of Phoenix.
The wild card guess would be that Wood and Anka are relauching Marvel’s First Family. Fantastic Four #16 and FF #16 coming in January are the final issues of the series with Matt Fraction having left both books and Tom Brevoort leaving after a milestone run as Editor.

Wood writes phenomenal female characters so to see him portray Susan Storm Richards would be “fantastic” for the classic character. I wouldn’t be surprised if the First Family titles move under X-Men Editor Nick Lowe with Wood on board. With Fox controlling the X-Men and FF movie franchises – I believe there will be synergy with those films and it would be perfect for that connection to happen in the books.
Time will tell. Stay tuned.
What’s your theory?
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