The Marvel Knights imprint is back in a big way with major announcements from the publisher.
I remember back when Marvel recruited Joe Quesada and Jimmy Palmiotti to launch the Marvel Knights line…and the rest was history!
The team rebooted Black Panther, Inhumans, Daredevil and Punisher…just for starters!
Quesada eventually became Editor-In-Chief and is now Chief Creative Officer.
Current Marvel Editor-In-Chief Axel Alonso is reviving the line and has recruited top independent creators to take on classic characters new limited series.
Marvel Knights: Hulk by Joe Keatinge and Piotr Kowalski finds an amnesiac in Paris.
“One of the reasons I’m so attracted to Marvel Comics in general is the fact that these characters aren’t pure good,” Keatinge tells Marvel.com, “They’re not these paragons or ideals of humanity. With the Hulk, he’s this devastating force of nature. He’s an Avenger and, I guess, a hero. But what does that really mean?

Marvel Knights: X-Men by Brahm Revel will star Wolverine, Rogue and Kitty Pryde investigate murder and a pair of new mutant girls in a small-town mystery.
“I can’t tell you too much because the story is somewhat of a mystery,” Revel tells Marvel.com. “Or rather each of these two young girls [is a mystery]. I knew coming in that I wanted to invent some new characters that were blank slates and didn’t have immense histories from living in the Marvel Universe for 50 years. And since the Phoenix Force had recently been dispersed and new mutants have been popping up again, this story fit well within the current continuity. I’ll you this, they’re both young girls in bad situations and each has chosen a different way to use their new powers to deal with their problems.”
“It all starts with a murder,” Revel reveals. “The death of a mutant hangs over the story until the very end. But it’s not really a murder mystery so much as a story about how your past can come back to haunt you, and how little things that seem inconsequential can spiral out of control and have huge ramifications down the line. When you’re a teenager you lack the experience to understand that the choices you make have consequences. When you add super powers into the mix, the consequences get magnified even more. And this is exactly the reason the world needs the X-Men, to ease the passage of young mutants into adulthood.”

Marvel Knights: Spider-Man faces nearly 100 of his deadliest foes in a series by Matt Kindt and Marco Rudy. The writer confirmed Arcade, Nuke and Kraven the Hunter will appear in the series.
“Once you take Spider-Man out of New York, you can’t really have him swing around,” Kindt told Marvel.com. “Put him in a desert, how do his powers work? What advantages does he have? That was part of the fun. Stick him underwater in a submarine, what can he do? Trying to think of scenarios we might not have seen before. We’ve all read 1000 Spider-Man stories, so I wanted to come up with something a little different.”
“I was just trying to think of his psychology and how his powers work,” he explains. “One of the things that I thought was kind of fun is his Spider Sense. It goes off whenever he’s in danger. Well, what if he’s in danger for a week straight? What does that do? What kind of toll does it take on him? What happens if he’s under constant duress for a week straight?”
Watch for the Marvel Knights limited series this Fall!
What Marvel character and indie creator matched up for the next project?
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