I lot can happen in a year and a half!
Just after ABC announced picking up a new Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD television series we revealed our top Marvel characters we want to see on the show.
Since then Lady Sif and Lorelei of Thor, Victoria Hand, Glenn Talbot of the Hulkbusters and Deathlok guest starred, S.H.I.E.L.D. was destroyed from within by Hydra in Captain America: The Winter Soldier and a traitor was revealed.
The second season will bring Bobbi Morse (Mockingbird) and Crusher Creel (Absorbing Man) to the Marvel cinematic universe. Kyle MacLachlan will play Skye’s father and Lucy Lawless plays a S.H.I.E.L.D. veteran in Season Two.
How did we do on the top characters we picked? Let’s look:
Our top four picks won’t be on the show but will be getting their own Netflix series:

Danny Rand (Iron Fist) The billionaire playboy who (is not a genius like Stark) lost his way and found a new path as a Kung Fu master would be a perfect character for the SHIELD agents to connect with. Rand is the longtime friend and partner of Cage.

Jessica Jones Cage’s great love is a former superhero turned private investigator. AKA Jessica Jones was a pilot from last season based on the Brian Michael Bendis series Alias that introduced Jessica and led to an incredible Jessica/Luke arc in New Avengers. This could be this fan-favorite character’s second chance at television.

Matt Murdock (Daredevil) Blind attorney by day/costumed crime fighter by night! The film rights to this character recently went back to Marvel/Disney. Crusading attorney Murdock would be a the kind of character to take up the causes of the needy and become a target of some very bad guys.
So we were close on Luke, Danny, Matt and Jessica! Each solo series will lead into a Defenders event series uniting Cage, Iron Fist, Daredevil and Jones.
These fan-favorite heroes and villains are still up for grabs:

Taskmaster This mercenary has the power to replicate the fighting style of anyone he studies (even moves like Captain America’s!) This is the ultimate operative for missions or for training armies of evil masterminds. Lose the cape, keep the skull face and bring on this badass that could be a huge threat to the agents!

Madame Masque (Whitney Frost) This daughter of a powerful crime lord once fell in love with Tony Stark but her family forced her to play a part in a scheme to steal Stark technology. She escaped with a scarred face, donned the gold mask and her new criminal identity as born. Whitney was the daughter of Count Nefaria of The Maggia crime organization but went on to become a master of espionage and would a perfect foil for the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Iron Man 4 is or may never happen so why not let Masque and the Maggia menace Coulson and his team?
Roxxon Energy Corporation This is the ultimate evil company of the Marvel Universe that have secretly played a role in great epics like Project Pegasus, Captain America The Winter Soldier. A Roxxon oil tanker was featured in the finale of Iron Man 3. Various Roxxon executives (Aleksander Lukin, Jerry Jaxon, August D’Angelo) have employed various costumed villains (Killer Shrike, Dogs of War, Flag Smasher, Serpent Squad) in their schemes.
Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD returns September 23rd. at 9pm on ABC.
By Editor