Marvel assembles classic icons and rookies for an All-New, All-Different Avengers this fall following Secret Wars.
First revealed on Free Comic Book Day, the lineup is Iron Man, Sam Wilson/Captain America, Jane Foster/Thor, Miles Morales/Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel, Nova and Vision.
Legendary writer Mark Waid will be joined by fan-favorite artist Adam Kubert and rising star Mahmud Asrar on the flagship book.
Marvel shared new interviews with the creative team and this new cover by Alex Ross.
Waid reveals how he chose the new team roster:
“Honestly, the big three—Thor, Iron Man, and Captain America—were a given regardless of who was currently holding onto those identities. Vision was our fourth pick because I have a new take on the character that I’ve been thinking about for almost a year in hopes I’d be able to do something with it. We knew from there that we needed some fresh blood on the team to balance the old guard. Ms. Marvel was my first choice—what a great character—and I’ve very much enjoyed writing Nova over the past couple of years here and there. The seventh slot was Tom Brevoort’s suggestion: Miles Morales [as Spider-Man], and was a good pick because we wanted someone who’d not only never been an Avenger but hadn’t even been seen with them.” Waid told Marvel.com.
Loki’s evil schemes brought the original version of the Avengers together. Jonathan Hickman’s huge Avengers World roster was part of Tony Stark’s master plan. Waid explains how this team forms and teases the villain behind it.
“Our first story is, as near as (Tom) Brevoort and I can remember, the first time since 1963 that someone’s actually done an Avengers origin story; because when we pick up after Secret Wars, there is no formal “Avengers” team for the first time ever. No one’s carrying the legacy; no one’s technically an Avenger. It’s a villain we’ve seen in the pages of NOVA that brings our seven heroes together; a newer menace, but one we’ll see again. And, of course, there are other villains waiting in the wings, as sharp-eyed readers of the Free Comic Book Day Avengers issue know.”
The All-New, All-Different Marvel Now will pick up 8 months after the Secret Wars finale.
By Editor