Magneto #11 courtesy Marvel
Magneto #11 courtesy Marvel

Magneto vs. Red Skull!


And that’s just in the build up to Avengers and X-Men: AXIS as Marvel’s heroes united against the might of the Red Onslaught (Red Skull with the telepathic powers of Charles Xavier.)


Red Skull is a Nazi war criminal and he stole Xavier’s brain right out of his skull to declare his own genocidal campaign against mutants.


If that’s not reason enough for the Master of Magnetism to go to war…what about the Red Skull’s actions against his daughter (Scarlet Witch) and former lover (Rogue.)


A fan asked Magneto writer Cullen Bunn how Eric will react to the events in Uncanny Avengers that affected the lost women of Magneto’s life.


“Magneto plays a pretty important role in “AXIS,” both in his own series and in the main event book, so I have to balance the story elements that Rick Remender is using with what is going to happen in my book. Something that was important to me, though, was to make sure that I was moving Magneto’s story along, even while being involved in “AXIS.” I’ve always intended to look at his relationship with his children and with Rogue, and this event gives me the perfect opportunity to do a little of that. Once the dust settles a little, I’m hoping to revisit that a little more. The Red Skull’s actions (both with Xavier and with Scarlet Witch) will be a pretty big influence on him in the days to come. As for Rogue’s relationship with the Scarlet Witch, Magneto may be a little less concerned with that, because his own connection with Rogue is going to be rocky at best. She’s not really going to be a fan of his current course of action,” Bunn said in this week’s Comic Book Resources X-Position.


The new issue of Magneto is on sale now as Erik’s “Punisher” like crusade against anti-mutant forces leads to some classic mutant villains. The March to AXIS issues begin in September.


By Editor