The Master of Magnetism is back to fighting for mutantkind on his own terms in Magneto #1 new this week.
Eric Lensherr is called villain, hero, revolutionary, victim, teacher, savior, father but he’s no longer a follower of Cyclops. Magneto plays many roles in the Marvel Universe.
Lehnsherr now stars in his own solo series by writer Cullen Bunn (Deadpool Killology, Fearless Defenders, Wolverine) and artist Gabriel Hernandez Walta (Astonishing X-Men.)
In Magneto #1 the villain turned complex anti-hero assumes a new role as Bunn told Marvel.com.
“In this story, he’s a detective, judge, jury, and executioner when it comes to threats against mutants. He’s taking a proactive role in finding threats—and potential threats—and putting a decisive end to them. He’s ruthless in his quest, fighting fire with fire, and evil—as he defines it—with evil.
So, if I had to define Magneto’s role succinctly, it might be hunter.”

Magneto’s tragic childhood, bond with Professor Xavier and intense support of this fellow mutants have made him take actions that some call heroic, villainous and somewhere in between.
“I think Magneto is definitely an anti-hero. He’s fighting for the right thing, but his methods are far too extreme. He’s not above breaking the law, stretching the limits of what is moral and putting evil to work for good. How readers interpret his actions, whether they see him as a hero, anti-hero, or villain, is one of the things I’m really excited about with this book.”
Magneto returned from exodus in space in support of Cyclops when Scott united the mutants on Utopia. Erik has stood by Scott through Avengers vs. X-Men and the founding of the new Xavier School but the alliance appears to be broken.

“Magneto is on his own. As this series begins, he feels as though the people he has allied with previously have failed and betrayed him. This is Magneto in all his narcissistic “if you want something done right, do it yourself” glory. Eventually, though, he’ll come to realize that he can’t face all of these challenges alone. He’ll find some surprising new allies.”
The writer says to watch for familiar enemies and for Magneto the hunter to be hunted by S.H.I.E.L.D.
Magneto #1 arrives Wednesday. For the entire interview here’s the Marvel.com link.
By Editor