Lucas Till returns as Havok in X-Men: Days of Future Past. Director Bryan Singer revealed via Twitter a shot of Till as Alex Summers on the set with the following quote:
“Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind.” JFK.
Till played the energy blasting mutant in X-Men: First Class. Alex is the brother of Cyclops (played by James Marsden in the original X-Men Trilogy.) It appears Till is in uniform waiting to ship out…perhaps to Vietnam. This new film is set in the early 1970’s.
Still no word on if Marsden will reprise his role as Scott Summers like the rest of the original trilogy cast.

I’m still hoping for at least a cameo from Lorna Dane (aka Polaris) the longtime girlfriend of Havok and revealed to be the daughter of Magneto.
Who thinks we might see Havok’s signature 3-ring headpiece?
Havok’s comic book profile increased dramatically when he was made team leader of Uncanny Avengers.
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