X-Factor is over for now but the odds are in favor of Longshot fans! The luck powered hero from another dimension already had a new job: saving the Marvel Universe!?
Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe #1 by Christopher Hastings and Jacopo Camagni arrives this week.
I’ve been a huge fan of Longshot and highly recommend the original limited series by Ann Nocenti and Arthur Adams. I like having Longshot in the mix with the X-Men but he’s not a mutant. I always thought Longshot would be a great addition to the Avengers or out of the shadow of other team and become a solo star.

Longshot’s luck did not run out with the end of X-Factor but as you can see by this preview art: the mullet is long gone. Artist Jacopo Camagni has given Longshot a new style including chops like Wolverine.
Hastings says the hero with “good luck” powers will save Marvel from everything from “super powered serial killers to totalitarian government regimes to the total destruction of reality” in a new Marvel.com interview.
Longshot was created by Ann Nocenti and Arthur Adams in their classic limited series then adopted by Chris Claremont’s X-Men for a long run before joining Peter David’s X-Factor. With such a strange origin and past Hastings tells viewers the simple reason to check out this new beginning for the hero.

“Longshot’s got a pretty complicated background, what with the Mojoverse, the supernatural luck, the ability to sometimes read objects pasts or futures, the hollow bones—for easier acrobatics!—the throwing knives, the weird leathery skin, the mesmerizing attractiveness, a proficiency with jet packs, regular memory wipes, and being a sort of clone of his son.
But I would say all anybody needs to know to enjoy the comic is that Longshot stumbles into insane incredible situations all the time, and bounces through them with charm and outrageous fortune. This series is about testing the limits of that fortune.”
I’ve always been a huge fan of Longshot but I never thought he should be in the X-Men. I always wanted Longshot to be an Avenger. If the solo series is a hit maybe the lucky guy will be recruited to Earth’s Mightiest Heroes or the All-New X-Factor coming in 2014.
Longshot’s old flame/enemy Spiral is currently co-starring in Uncanny X-Force. Dazzler is an agent of SHIELD in Uncanny X-Men. So we might see an X-woman guest star in the new limited series.
As you can see from this amazing preview art, Longshot will interact with a multitude of Marvel guest-stars so maybe this book is a test for the hero from Mojoworld?

Which Marvel team would you like to see Longshot join?