Will Marvel give the people what they want?
Even if what they want is a super villain in the spotlight?
An online petition for a Loki solo film continues to surge. More than 12,000 fans have signed the Change.org petition.
Tom Hiddleston will play the Trickster God one last time (?) in Thor: The Dark World. The Avengers sequel will star Ultron as the big bad. No word yet on a third Thor film so The Dark World will likely be Loki’s swan song but not if the Loki Army has something to say about it…
“We feel Loki (as portrayed by Tom Hiddleston), due to the astounding following both the character and actor have earned as a result of the Marvel films, more than warrants further exploration of his story,” the Change.org petition states.
“We believe such an endeavor would not only be profitable and successful, but provide a larger view for general audiences of the incredibly complex and diverse personality a well-known villain of the Marvel universe is gifted with. To explore this darker side of the Thor storyline would be to give credit to a compelling individual, his remarkable portrayer and an appreciative audience that feels a fierce loyalty to both in an unprecedented way. Simply put: He has an army.”
Would Marvel greenlight a Loki solo movie? There have been on and off plans to have a Spider-Man spinoff film starring Venom.
In the comic books Thor’s brother was reincarnated into a child. Kid Loki starred in Journey to Mystery and is now a member of the Young Avengers.
In the cinematic Asgard there’s still plenty more to explore and I could see Loki facing Hela, Goddess of the Underworld or Surtur the fire demon and the one Asgardian I want to see most, The Enchantress.
Thanks to The Hollywood Report Heat Vision.
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