Kitty Pryde joins Logan on his final adventure in Death of Wolverine #3 by Charles Soule and Steve McNiven this week.
Logan lost his healing factor, his enemies on the attack and his quest leads him to Japan to face one of his most powerful foes.
“This issue is very concerned with questions of acceptance of one’s mortality. The villain who shows up here is someone who ties thematically into those ideas very strongly—one of my long-time favorite Wolverine baddies, in fact. I think Steve and co. did an incredible job creating a Wolverine who’s fatalistic, but still up for a fight.” Soule told Marvel.com.
“And having the plum blossoms on one side—a symbol of spring and rebirth—and Logan on the other, as he approaches the end of his life, it just works for me. And hopefully for everyone else!”

This week’s chapter is sure to take longtime fans back to the classic Wolverine and Kitty Pryde limited series by Chris Claremont. Japan is where Logan became a samurai and when Kitty Pryde became Shadowcat. Kitty has been Logan’s sidekick, fellow X-Man and most recently co-headmaster of the Jean Grey School. It looks like Kitty may take up the sword again for Logan.
“I wanted to have Kitty showing her powers as she is not in costume here, and I also wanted to get a katana in there as well. But having her coming through the sword? It just came to me as I was messing around with ideas. I try and gather up all the imagery I can pull from the issue without being too specific about what goes on in the book, put them all in front of me and start to play around,” artist Steve McNiven told Marvel.com.
Death of Wolverine #3 arrives Wednesday.
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