Before Watchmen: Ozymandias #1 is out this week. Len Wein was editor of the original Watchmen 12 part series. Wein is writing the new miniseries starring the “smartest man on the planet.”
In an interview with the legendary creator at Fan Expo Vancouver I asked Wein about his role as editor then versus writer now and how it relates to the new stories of Before Watchmen.
I asked Wein what we’ll learn about Adrian Veidt’s past and how he reached the fateful decision he made in the original series.
Before Watchmen: Ozymandias #1 by Wein and Jae Lee is out this week with a Crimson Corsair backup story by Wein and John Higgins. Phil Jimenez created this variant cover below.

Editor’s Note: I have to admit I was very nervous, did my homework and brought notes just in case (this IS LEN WEIN!) but he was very cool, charming and what started out as an interview was a great conversation. I really enjoyed how we got interrupted by fans who would come by very hesitantly just to quickly say “thank you for creating Wolverine.”
By Editor