September is theme month for DC Comics.
2014 is Futures End as you jump five years into the DC Comics Universe with every book.
It’s a tradition on the anniversary of The New 52: 2012 was Zero Month featuring origin stories. 2013 was Villains Month starring infamous rogues and the kickoff of the Forever Evil event series.
For Your Consideration in 2015:
Legion Month!
The New 52 Legion books launched in 2011 didn’t really have a long future in The New 52 so why not give the young heroes of the 30th and 31st century a new shot. The Legion will guest star in the Justice League United Annual next month but why not give the future heroes a whole month.
A member of the Legion could be thrown into the past, the DC Comics present, and into a guest appearance in a major title. Each Legionnaire’s solo mission could be puzzle pieces of an overall plot to change the past or save the future.
There have been so many versions of the Legion of Super-Heroes and so many members that could have incredible possibilities.

Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl and Cosmic Boy went back in time to recruit Superboy to join their “super club” way back in 1958 but the Legion would evolve into a powerhouse team even taking on Darkseid in The Great Darkness Saga.
From the wholesome future teens and their super club to the dark Keith Giffen team to the L.E.G.I.O.N. (Licensed Extra-Governmental Interstellar Operatives Network) and R.E.B.E.L.S. (Revolutionary Elite Brigade to Eradicate L.E.G.I.O.N. Supremacy) every fan has their favorite era.
I still remember the giant-size Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes issue by the legendary Mike Grell from the 1970’s. Young Clark kept his traditional costume but the Legion sported very revealing bathing suits and even the guys showed a lot of skin (see below) but the era became an ongoing science fiction epic.

There are rumors of a Legion movie but no official word. The team’s appearance in the Justice League United Annual could be the start of a major comeback.
As we reach the halfway mark of Futures End month maybe we’ll go way into the future with a Legion Month next year. The team that influenced Superboy into becoming the hero he is and their dream of a United Planets deserves a new shot at comic books glory.
By Editor