What is Sabretooth without Wolverine?
Kyle Higgins (Nightwing, C.O.W.L.) returns to Marvel to answer that question in Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy #3.
The seven-part series focuses on the allies and enemies of Wolverine’s life after his death.
Higgins and more Batman family writers tell these stories. Higgins will take on Logan’s greatest enemy. How will Victor Creed vent his rage and hate without Wolverine as his lifelong sparring partner?
“His profile definitely feels on the rise, especially with AXIS coming up. It makes exploring his reaction to Logan’s death pretty exciting. That said, I pitched working with Sabretooth for one reason: his relationship to Logan. It’s quite fascinating to me, and took a little bit to get my head around. In a lot of ways, his entire lot in life is built on his hatred of Logan. That and his lust for blood—Logan’s, and anyone else’s. I wasn’t looking to come in and try to deconstruct their relationship, or show Victor suddenly having some new self-realized appreciation for Logan in the wake of his death. Instead, I’m approaching it as more of a breakup. Like, when somebody dumps you, and you say you’re totally fine and you don’t care, and you do things to try and prove you’re fine…but really, you’re not? Take that idea, and extrapolate it out for a bloodthirsty killer like Victor. What’s his version of “coping?” Higgins told Marvel.com.

“I think there’s timelessness to the idea of dark mirror adversaries. Someone who’s a bit stronger, a bit faster, and totally more ruthless than you. He brings out the worst Logan. He’s the dark mirror to a character [that] already has a dark side.”
Higgins is joined by artist Jonathan Marks for his chapter of Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy coming in October.
Watch for Creed to play a role in Avengers and X-Men: AXIS.
Could Sabretooth possibly rejoin the X-Men? It’s not the first time Creed (kinda) was part of the team. Here’s why Victor Creed could be a candidate to be the next Wolverine.

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