Marvel announced Krysten Ritter will star in AKA Jessica Jones – the new series with Netflix. This all-new 13 episode series will follow Daredevil.
Jessica Jones was introduced in Alias by Brian Michael Bendis (with artist Michael Gaydos) and became a member of his New Avengers run.
Tragedy cut Jessica’s superhero career and she rebuilt her life as a private investigator who got pulled into cases with super heroes and villains in New York City. Jessica would meet and fall in love with Luke Cage, who will star in his own Netflix series.
“Krysten brings both the hard edge and the vulnerability the role demands,”
said Executive Producer/Showrunner Melissa Rosenberg on Marvel.com. “We can’t wait for fans to see her in action, coming to Netflix in 2015.”

“Krysten Ritter has the type of range, spanning the comic to the tragic, that makes for the stuff of the best Marvel heroes,”
said Jeph Loeb, Executive Producer/Marvel’s Head of Television. “As Jessica Jones, Krysten will bring one of the most beloved new characters of the past decade to life in a way we know will delight her longtime fans and introduce her to many more.”
Ritter is known her roles in Breaking Bad, Don’t Trust the B in Apartment 2, Veronica Mars and Gilmore Girls.
After Daredevil and AKA Jessica Jones – Marvel Netflix are working on a Luke Cage and Iron Fist series. All four shows will crossover in an event series The Defenders.
By Editor