Kelly Sue DeConnick made her first appearance at the third annual GeekGirlCon 2013 in Seattle. The celebration of women in geek culture was an opportunity for the Carol Corps to show their support for the writer of Captain Marvel and the author’s continuing mission to inspire women who want careers in comics.
I’ve seen DeConnick reach out to young women after Emerald City and Rose City Comic Con panels to encourage them. The Captain Marvel writer recently made headlines at the Women of Marvel panel at New York Comic Con for saying she was “willing to be disliked…willing to be called names, willing to make people uncomfortable so my daughter doesn’t have to.”
DeConnick’s success and passionate support of women in the creative field made her the perfect guest for GeekGirlCon.
In a one-on-one interview I told DeConnick how she is like the hero she writes in Captain Marvel and Avengers Assemble. Carol Danvers is always pushing herself, soaring up and leading her fellow Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. DeConnick’s star is soaring and she’s using the visibility to inspire more women to write and draw the stories they care about. I asked the writer why it was important to be part of GeekGirlCon.
After acknowledging the opportunity to thank all fans she spoke of “being a cheerleader for young women in particular. I don’t guard my tips – oh ladies only. (laughs) and that ” representation is powerful.”
DeConnick noted the many women who had been paving the way before her and explained why she now uses her middle name to make sure people know a woman wrote the comic book.

During the GeekGirlCon panel a young girl who asked DeConnick a question at NYCC was at the Seattle con and followed up by telling the writer she started writing her own stories. The budding author was wearing an uncanny Phoenix dress so I’m excited to read what she will produce.
This Captain Marvel cosplayer to the right was part of a Carol Corps entourage at NYCC and was among the many Carols at GGC. Looks like there’s a Kelly Sue Corps that could have an impact on comics.
Pretty Deadly #1, DeConnick’s creator-owned comic with artist Emma Rio is on sale now from Image Comics. In part one DeConnick talked about the challenge of describing her new book that blends many genres. In part two of the interview DeConnick explains why Captain Marvel will “go cosmic” in a brand new #1 issue in 2014 and DeConnick will continue writing Avengers Assemble and being the “cheerleader” or any role needed to keep inspiring.
By Editor