Joss Whedon’s AVENGERS 2 Update: Who’s In, Who’s Out

Thanos by Jim Cheung courtesy Marvel
Thanos by Jim Cheung courtesy Marvel

Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch – IN


Loki – OUT


Guardians of the Galaxy – OUT


Thanos – IN but not in the way you might think!


Joss Whedon is still working on the script for Avengers 2 but the story is set in stone. The director has previously confirmed Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are in the sequel and the Guardians of the Galaxy (who will star in their own Marvel film next August) will not appear.

Whedon tells Empire that Loki (Tom Hiddleston) will not appear in the sequel – not even a cameo – and Thanos will be in the film but not as the main villain.

Loki will appear in Thor: The Dark World this November.

Thanks Dark Horizons.

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