The Oscar golden girl goes blue again in X-Men Days of Future Past. Jennifer Lawrence reprises her role as mutant shapeshifter Mystique and tells SciFiNow bluntly:
“I’m naked,” says the star. “But when I do get to wear clothes, I love the ’70s outfits.”
The sequel is set 10 years after X-Men: First Class.
Lawrence says she’s wearing a body suit rather than body paint and it’s darker but that’s not the only change for Raven Darkholme:

“Some of the Mystique look is a little different, but we’re still using the same paint. But she’s different in this film too,” she tells SciFiNow exclusively. “She was struggling – like a lot of normal humans – with the way she looked, and she was covered up a lot in the first movie, but this time she is Mutant and proud.”
Director Bryan Singer shared this look at Mystique on the attack in the upcoming film.
X-Men Days of Future Past opens Memorial Day weekend, 2014 in the U.S.
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