It’s a new creative team, new look and weapons for Earth’s Sorcerer Supreme as part of the All-New, All-Different Marvel Now.
Doctor Strange stars in his own solo series this fall by Jason Aaron and Chris Bachalo (the creative team that launched Wolverine and the X-Men).
Aaron worked his magic of Thor and now he’s taking on the Master of the Mystic Arts. The creative team reveal how they will define the Sorcerer Supreme and the challenges they face.
When you potentially have a mastery of magic you can do anything. Aaron explains his approaching to Doctor Strange’s powers.
“The only rule I’m really interested in is that for everything Doctor Strange does, there must be a cost. The forces of magic don’t come free. Every spell, every incantation, every tampering with the mystical forces of nature comes with a price. And either Doctor Strange pays that cost himself or the world must pay it for him. But one way or another, it’s getting paid. And when you don’t see that the scales are kept balanced and you let that tab build up, then it’s hell for everyone when it finally comes due,” Aaron told Marvel.com.

Veteran X-Men artist Bachalo has been co-creating mutants since Generation X. The artist reveals his inspiration for Strange’s look and mystical world.
“With DOCTOR STRANGE our challenge is to create a unique environment for Stephen to exist in. Something beyond the norm that differentiates itself from other spaces. You should be able to view the locations and know that it’s a Doctor Strange book. One of the first things I expressed to Jason when joining was that I didn’t want to spend a bunch of time drawing cosmic battle scenes. That’s been done a million times and I had no interest in it. I think I was looking for something a little more down to earth, something a little more grounded in reality. I want to create a new cosmos to play in. Grab bits and pieces from what’s been done before but then throw in a few things for a different perspective. We’ll see how it turns out,” Bachalo told Marvel.com.
How will Strange go from Doctor Doom’s Battleworld minion back to Sorcerer Supreme?
Find out in Doctor Strange #1 coming this fall following Secret Wars.
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