James McAvoy says he’s on board for what will be his third X-Men film. The actor reprises his X-Men: First Class role as the young Professor Charles Xavier in the upcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past.
In an interview with Red Carpet News, McAvoy says he’ll be back for what’s teased as X-Men Apocalypse 2016 and how he keeps to “reinventing Charles Xavier” with each film.
After the tragic events of First Class, Xavier is now in a wheelchair and it will take a visit from a future Wolverine to change the path of the Professor and his students.
As director Bryan Singer and the Fox team moves ahead what significant part of Xavier’s story do you want to see on the big screen?

Gabrielle Haller: Xavier met Gabrielle before his spinal injury while working with Erik helping Holocaust victims in Israel. Haller and Xavier split but she gave birth to their son David, who grew up to be…
Legion: The tormented, mentally unstable son of Professor X with multiple personalities each with a different mutant power.

Shadow King: In the comics Amahl Farouk was the first evil mutant the Professor encountered convincing him to form the X-Men. The two met in a Cairo cafe and engaged in a psi-war on the astral plane. The two would face each other again and again. This entity of pure psychic energy feeds on humanity’s hatred and fear and possesses different human hosts.
Amelia Vogt: When Charles lost his legs he encounter this American nurse in India who treated him and they fell in love. She could teleport by transforming her body into a mist. Amelia would later join Magneto’s Acolytes.
Lilandra Neramani: The mysterious alien refuge who would become the Empress of the Shi’ar Empire shared a tortured love affair with Charles. The two were on opposite sides when Jean Grey became Dark Phoenix but later the X-Men would come to her aid as Skrulls threatened to take over her empire.
Moira: I love Rose Byrne but the Moira MacTaggert in First Class was nothing like her comic book counterpart. The tragic romance between Charles and Moira (seeing a pattern here?) was further wrecked by Moira’s son – who would become the lifeforce sucking, reality altering mutant known as Proteus.
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