Jaime Alexander on THOR 3 and WONDER WOMAN

Jaime Alexander as Sif in Thor: The Dark World courtesy Marvel
Jaime Alexander as Sif in Thor: The Dark World courtesy Marvel

Jaime Alexander reprises her role as Lady Sif in Thor: The Dark World. The warrior woman receives more screen time in the sequel as Thor leads, Sif, the Warriors Three and Loki against the forces of Malekith and the Dark Elves!


In a new interview Alexander is talking about an expanded role for Lady Sif and the possibility of her playing a famous warrior woman of a Marvel rival. None other than Wonder Woman?


“I gotta say, Marvel really writes their women very well. And that’s one of the biggest things for me, when I look at playing a character I want to make sure that I’m playing the character first and the physicality is second, and Marvel understands that,” Alexander tells Forbes.


“They’ve done a tremendous job, especially in our film, of portraying women as strong and confident. And a side note is that, you know what? They’re pretty, they’re beautiful, inside and out. And that’s just a secondary. So they’ve really set the bar very high,” she continued.


According the story Alexander has been approached by Marvel and DC about their comic book movie franchises which opened up the questions to the possibility of a Wonder Woman solo movie or as part of a Justice League film.

Journey Into Mystery #646 courtesy Marvel
Journey Into Mystery #646 courtesy Marvel


“I’m a huge fan of Wonder Woman. I really think if this is the closest that we’re ever going to get to Wonder Woman, then I’m proud to play Sif. I hope that other comic book entities can learn a lesson from Marvel in how to execute a female character the way it should be done.”


For the entire story here’s the Forbes link.


If Alexander did play the Amazon it would follow a long tradition of actors playing a Marvel character then a DC character including Ben Affleck (Daredevil/Batman) and Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool/Green Lantern) but I would like to see an even bigger role for Sif in a possible Thor 3.


Sif has been the star of a great Journey Into Mystery series and I’d love to see her in battle against other female villains of Thor’s rogues gallery including Hela, the Goddess of Death, and the Enchantress.


Thor: The Dark World opens Friday.