Is Spider-Man Superior?

Superior Spider-Man #1 courtesy Marvel
Superior Spider-Man #1 courtesy Marvel

Peter Parker fans must be squirming and furious. Doctor Octopus cheated death by stealing Peter’s body and now has the audacity to seize the role of Spider-Man. Octavius even aims to be a “superior” hero to Peter. Since the launch of Superior Spider-Man we’ve seen Otto take on classic foes like the Vulture, create new crime fighting methods like Spider-Bots. We’ve seen cringing moments when Otto woos Mary Jane and gives Aunt May a peck on the cheek and even manages to win over Jonah Jameson!


What’s even worse? A small part of Peter Parker is trapped inside Octavius watching his arch-enemy live out his life, kiss his girl and reshape the Spider-Man legacy.


Dan Slott is guilty of turning Spider-Man inside out and twisting fanboy hearts and oh boy is it fun. Imagine poor Doctor Jekyll helplessly watching Mister Hyde commit his horrible crimes – but in Slott’s twist the villain is trying to be the hero – an even better hero. Peter is Otto’s guilty conscience but Doc Ock doesn’t realize Parker inside.

Superior Spider-Man #2 courtesy Marvel


Superior Spider-Man takes an even darker turn in issues 4 and 5 with the return of Massacre. The scenario felt like a “ripped from the headlines” taken to extremes. It was unnerving to see but this extremely violent story was a test for Otto. It’s up to you to decide if think the Doctor passed or failed. It demonstrates Ock’s take on understanding with great power comes great responsibility and assumes a great authority over evil-doers!


Superior Spider-Man is a brilliant twist that may infuriate some fans but just wait until Peter fights his way back and Otto gets the payback he deserves!  Enjoy!


By Editor


A big thanks to Spider-Man fan Rob who encouraged me to read the new Spidey!


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