The comic book version of Iron Man is unveiling a new suit of armor. Is the big screen version of the Armored Avenger suiting up in new tech to take on Loki’s army?
Marvel Comics Avengers Versus X-Men event will feature new armor designed for a specific foe according to Invincible Iron Man and AVX writer Matt Fraction. This AVX teaser image showing Iron Man versus Magneto is likely to be the foe. Iron Man will have to innovate to face the Master of Magnetism. Perhaps Tony is using some mystical tech he picked up from Asgard in the Fear Itself epic.

Cosmic Book News is sharing an image of an Iron Man in “Stark Tek Assault Armor” and reporting that this the design for a toy tie-in. Comic book fans may think this is based on the Hulk Buster Tony created to tackle the Green Goliath. There’s also a Captain America version. I agree with CBN that if this armor is in the movie it could be used to fight Skrulls, Frost Giants or any other army Loki is using in his war that assembles Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.