Dramatic shifts for Tony Stark as he becomes a Superior Iron Man.
Marvel newcomers Tom Taylor and Yildiray Cinar launch a brand new ongoing series starring the Armored Avenger who is not acting so heroic.
Marvel shared a look inside the first issue as Tony Stark is wearing new silver armor and based on San Fransisco. Stark is creating a Utopia in the famous city and offering Extremis 3.0 for a price.
“This is a Tony we haven’t seen since before that fateful heart injury that turned him into one of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes,” Senior Editor Mark Paniccia told Marvel.com. “The smug, over-confident quintessential capitalist is back…and readers are going to get a real kick out of it. Even the most loyal Iron Man fans will find this a guilty pleasure.”
Tony’s vision brings him into conflict with Matt Murdock. Daredevil will not share Iron Man’s plan for the city they now both call home.
This new Iron Man spins out of events of AXIS so is this the inverted Tony Stark corrupted by the Red Onslaught?

Superior Iron Man #1 arrives November 12.
By Editor