Apocalypse revealed on the cover of X-Men #182 courtesy Marvel
Apocalypse revealed on the cover of X-Men #182 courtesy Marvel

The fates of Inhumans and X-Men are intertwined as never before. The Terrigen Cloud is creating new Inhumans but killing mutants. It looks like an Inhumans vs. X-Men could become the Marvel event of 2016.

Storm is gathering as many mutants in X-Haven to save them from the Terrigen Cloud while Crystal returned to lead the All-New Inhumans from a new threat to her race.

As both species are fighting for survival fans can’t help but think of the credo of Apocalypse who believes in survival of the fittest. Could the current genetic conflict signal the return of some 90’s super villains?

As both races are on a collision course we looked back at when the X-Men faced a squad of evil Inhumans working for one of their greatest enemies.

Remember the Dark Riders?

Back in X-Factor #65 in 1991, Apocalypse unleashed a bizarre squad to enforce his evil agenda against the original X-Men. Superstars Chris Claremont, Jim Lee and Whilce Portacio co-created the henchmen of Apocalypse.

After conquering the Inhuman city of Attilan on the moon, En Sabah Nur enslaved most of them and selected six to become his Dark Riders aka Riders of the Storm, named after his first army in ancient Egypt.

Barrage, Foxbat, Gauntlet, Hard-Drive, Psynapse, Tusk were Inhumans who believed in Apocalypse’s creed. Psynapse was actually the cousin of Medusa and Crystal.

In the monumental first appearance, the Riders infected baby Nathan Summers with the techno-organic virus. The child was taken into the future by Rachel Summers and became known as Cable, the son of Cyclops who led the revolution against Apocalypse in the distant future and past. The Dark Riders appeared in the 90’s classic crossover, The X-Cutioner’s Song.

Cable returned in Uncanny Avengers, Apocalypse’s former scientist Mister Sinister is back in Extraordinary X-Men so could these rogue Inhumans return to join the escalating conflict in a battle for survival between the Children of the Atom and the Children of the Crystals.

By Editor