courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

INFINITY week is finally here!


When Jonathan Hickman took over Avengers he assembled a bigger roster of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes!  It may not be enough!


It’s a war on two fronts when alien invaders set a collision course for Earth and Thanos launches a sneak attack on the planet, too.


Infinity#1  by Hickman and artist Jim Cheung arrives this week. Earth’s heroes face a double threat from The Builders and Thanos in this six-part epic.


“The universe’s greatest serial killer is cut loose to do bad things to our most precious world,” Hickman told USA Today.


Hickman has been planning for this cosmic clash in his Avengers and New Avengers series. I was excited to learn Earth’s Mightiest Heroes will get backup from the Inhumans.


Infinity #3 courtesy Marvel

“They’re not like a team of superheroes. They’re a demographic — being an Inhuman is like being Cuban, like being Irish,” Avengers Editor Tom Brevoort says. “Within that strata, there are good guys and bad guys and bystanders and guys who just want to do their job and go home and drink an Inhuman Löwenbräu and kick back.”


“I’m very excited about Infinity for a number of reasons,” said Hickman told  Marvel. “First, I think it’s wonderful that the story is coming organically out of what’s been going on during Marvel NOW!. Things that we’ve seen unfold in AVENGERS, NEW AVENGERS, THANOS RISING, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY and others are the catalyst for Infinity. And second, for me personally, Infinity is the first big step in a series of big steps that make up the long term plans for the Avengers books I have the privilege of writing. It should be a lot of fun.”


This event will take you to every corner of the Marvel Universe, and beyond! In Hickman’s premiere Avengers arc, Earth was been marked as an “Avengers World,” protected by Iron Man, Captain America, Thor and more. Now with alien threats blasting towards Earth the bigger Avengers must go even bigger. Earth’s Mightiest Heroes realize the only hope of victory is uniting every great hero in a united “Avengers Universe!”


Keep scrolling for more preview art from Infinity #1 – out Wednesday.

Infinity #1 courtesy Marvel
Infinity #1 courtesy Marvel


Infinity #1 courtesy Marvel


Infinity #1 courtesy Marvel

By Editor

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