Universes collide. Enemies clash. Infinity begins next month!
Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are the Universe’s only hope when the mysterious Builders and Thanos strike on two fronts. It’s the culmination of what Jonathan Hickman has been plotting since he took over Avengers and New Avengers.
Jim Cheung joins Hickman for the epic event. Marvel shared a first look at Cheung’s stunning art from inside Infinity #1.
While the Avengers head into space Iron Man and the Illuminati stay on Earth to rally a defense.

“Overtly, Tony Stark has stayed behind to marshal the defenses of the Earth against the Builders. In actuality, as the Illuminati [are aware], these incursions continue to happen, and probably there’s going to be one coming soon; if [they] are off in space and nobody deals with that, the universe is likely to be destroyed and it’s not going to make a difference anyway,” says Editor Tom Brevoort.
“Again, those following New Avengers—and if you’re not, obviously you’re missing some pretty major stuff—recognize “incursions” as reality-shattering events in which alternate Earths encroach on our own, usually leaving one destroyed, an eventuality even the Illuminati have had little success averting. Pages from Infinity #1 from writer Jonathan Hickman and artist Jim Cheung show that these failures will continue to reverberate.”
The members of Marvel’s secret society have made impossible choices to protect the planet from incursions but now they have two more threats.

“It’s a crisis on top of a catastrophe on top of Armageddon kind of at once,” Brevoort reiterates. “The Illuminati have to deal with their ongoing problem, while at the same time contending with the fact that the Builders are coming, and, oh, yes, Thanos too is knocking on the door.
“[These] characters will be very much at the center of the Earth-bound sections of INFINITY especially, put into the pressure cooker and through the wringer in a big way.”
Infinity #1 arrives August 14th.
I’m a huge fan of Jim Cheung. These will be his first complete issues since Avengers: The Children’s Crusade. He created covers for AvX.
By Editor