The final countdown is on to Marvel’s mega event by Jonathan Hickman. Thanos, the ultimate cosmic powerhouse comes back with a vengeance. Terrifying new aliens strike. Earth’s Mightiest Heroes must attempt to become the Universe’s only hope.
August marks the finale of Thanos Rising, the final Prelude to Infinity issues of Avengers and New Avengers and the arrive of Infinity #1!
Earth’s Mightiest Heroes must blast into space to confront the threat of the Builders. Thanos and his sinister new followers launch a sneak attack on Earth.
Before you utter “event fatigue” take a moment to think about how big and awesome Infinity will be. There are infinite reasons to be excited about Infinity but here are my top four (for now:)

Jonathan Hickman has been on fire since taking over Avengers and New Avengers with epic storylines packed with huge ideas, action, drama and humor with a potent mix of fan favorite and new heroes on the team. I loved the origin of the new Captain Universe issue. If you enjoyed Hickman’s Fantastic Four and Future Foundation run you know you’re in store for plots within plots, epic battles and incredible payoffs to long-running storylines that keep you guessing and thrilled.
Jim Cheung is one of my all-time favorite artists because of his Young Avengers run for starters. I’ve waited hours for a chance to get an autograph from Cheung – and I have a gorgeous Mystique sketch! Cheung crafted stunning covers for Avengers vs. X-Men. Cheung will be drawing entire issues and has created some truly horrific looking new alien enemies that will debut in this epic.

Skrulls! Beaten over and over by the Fantastic Four. The Skrull homeworld was devoured by Galactus. Defeated by Marvel’s heroes and villains in Secret Invasion. The reptilian aliens are due for a comeback! How was the Skrull Empire reborn? What have the shapeshifters been up to since Secret Invasion? I can hardly wait to see Hickman’s scripts as Skrulls must become allies of the Avengers in the war against Thanos!
The Inhumans on the front line! Black Bolt and Medusa are one of my favorite Marvel couples. Black Bolt is one of the most ingenious creations because he’s a living paradox and with a heavy burden for his race. When Earth’s Mightiest Heroes fight a war in space the Inhumans rise up against invaders of Earth. I’ve got Kleenexes ready. The Inhuman Royal Family is one of the most compelling and tragic family units in Marvel. You know Inhumans are going to have a major impact long after Infinity because Matt Fraction is launching a new Inhumans series in 2014! Bring on the Terrigen Mists!
Those are my 2 creative reasons. 2 character reasons.
But there are infinite reasons to be excited for Infinity to begin next month. Stay tuned for more teasers about the big event!
By Editor