Jason Aaron previews his next Hulk story arc Stay Angry kicking off in Incredible Hulk #8. The Punisher, Wolverine, Kraven the Hunter and new enemies will help the green goliath stay angry. The 5 part story will have a diffent artist. Part one features art by Steve Dillon. Pasqual Ferry in on the next chapter.
“Hulk is a character like Wolverine where I can mix it up in terms of tone. It swings from being pretty dark to more crazy and outrageous. I really like going from one extreme to the other, often within the same story. It’s easy to do that with Hulk and that will continue.”
“Stay Angry flows out of the end of Hulk vs Banner, which has a big, shock ending that changes Hulk’s status quo and dynamic again. All I can really say is this is a five-issue story with each issue relatively self-contained for the most part, done by a different artist and in a different location.” -Jason Aaron
“Kraven is a character I have never written but always loved. Kraven’s Last Hunt is on my desert island list of Marvel comics. I remember being at the retreat when it was decided Kraven was coming back and being both excited and terrified. I’m glad I get to write him. His mindset is right in line with how it has been since he came back.”
For the entire session here’s the Marvel.com link.
What artists would you like to see draw the Hulk with Aaron? Chris Bachalo and Salvador Larroca pop into my mind.