If Grant Morrison Took On THE FLASH

Superman. Batman. Wonder Woman.

courtesy DC Comics


Grant Morrison has taken on DC Comics greatest icons. Who’s left?


“The Flash is the only one left that I would still do. If I’m gonna do the Flash, I want to do it as a science-fiction story like The Incredible Shrinking Man or Stephen King’s Thinner, or The Fly, where you basically take a scientist and then subject him to a very simple equation,” Morrison told Comic Book Resources at SDCC.


“For Barry Allen, he’d just be getting faster and faster and faster — and what would that mean? Because somewhere up there is the speed of light, and when you hit the speed of light, basically all time stops and it’s the end. That’s the limit. So we’re watching this guy progress through it, faster and faster. By the end of Act 1, his clothes are burning off every time he moves, so he has to build himself a suit, and then he paints the suit red like a Ferrari and is just speeding around like he’s on coke all the time! I want to do that as a sci-fi story, but out of it comes the familiar image of the Flash. I think that’d be totally different, just taking it from a different angle.”


The Batman, Incorporated finale arrives next week.The Wonder Woman: Earth One graphic novel arrives later this year. Morrison’s All-Star Superman is forever!


After what Morrison has done to Batman and the Bat mythos (Damian!) are you excited about him taking on The Flash?


I’m equally by the idea of Gorilla Grodd by Grant Morrison!


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