Bobby Drake will meet Bobby Drake following one of the biggest revelations of the year in comics so far.
Young Iceman was recently confronted by Jean Grey who psychically learned he was gay in All-New X-Men by Brian Michael Bendis. Bobby eventually confided in Jean but wondered why his older self was not gay.
Today in a Marvel.com live chat with Bendis about Secret Wars, this scene by Mahmud Asrar revealed the two Icemen will meet in Uncanny X-Men #600. This milestone issue will be the final chapter of the Bendis run.
“Just two Icemen talking. I wonder what they’re talking about??”
Will young Bobby confront his older self about a life lived in the closet..if he really is gay, bi or questioning?
It’s just one of the many story threads Bendis will wrap in the big issue now coming out in October after Secret Wars.
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