Uncanny Avengers #16 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #16 courtesy Marvel

Is there a new Hulk in Marvel comics?

In the long history of the Green Goliath the monster has not always been the Incredible Hulk.

As we enter a new era in the aftermath of Civil War II we have three or is it four Hulks?

Amadeus Cho is the Totally Incredible Hulk.

RULK aka Red Hulk (Thunderbolt Ross) is member of the U.S. Avengers.

Jennifer Walters aka She-Hulk will star in a new Hulk book in 2017.

We do not want to spoil the fate of Bruce Banner in Civil War II but have you seen Uncanny Avengers #16?

Remember when Hulk became Kluh? Remember Doc Green? Remember the Omega Hulk? Remember Indestructible Hulk? Remember the future Hulk known as Maestro?

We may have a strange new Hulk stomping around now but what do we call it?
Bruce Banner has been the green Incredible Hulk, Grey Hulk aka Joe Fix-It, the Banner brain in charge of Hulk’s body leader of the Pantheon and the purplish Kluh during the Axis event.

We’ve had Skaar, son of Hulk and Rulk aka Red Hulk

But now do we have a ZULK?

Before we continue with this bizarre development here’s a SPOILER ALERT!

If you have not read Civil War II or Uncanny Avengers #16 yet stop reading now.



Here it comes.

Bruce Banner, may he rest in peace?

Bruce was killed by Clint Barton aka Hawkeye (at Bruce’s request) as he was about to Hulk out again in Civil War II.

The Hand stole the Hulk corpse.

You know where we’re going here.

Enter the Uncanny Avengers.

In the latest issue by Gerry Duggan and Pepe Larraz we have a Hulk resurrected from the dead. A zombie hulk. Can we call it the Zulk?

But wait there’s more.

This monstrous new version of the monster is sporting a samurai and weapons and warrior wear.

Is this the Samurai Hulk…the SULK?

Since it’s been resurrected by The Hand…is this the HHULK?

Since The Hand are evil ninjas…is this the NULK?

Ok, I’ve have too much fun here and getting carried away.

Duggan and Larraz are packing this book with action and fun. Deadpool vs the Zulk, Sulk, HHulk, Nulk – what’s your favorite moniker for the latest incarnation of the monster?

Will Deadpool survive his showdown with the resurrected monster?

Is there room for a fourth Hulk on comics shelves?

It’s a testament to the original creation by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, the Hulk is so simple yet so filled with possibilities it’s inspired a pantheons of creators to smash the template and make this monster into multiple takes.

I’m still hurting over the end of Bruce Banner but always enjoy a twist on his rampaging alter ego.

By Editor

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